The Story
A Piece Of Arch
In 2018 the designer behind ” A piece of Arch” Åsa Råman moved into the building Innovationen, Norra Tornen in Stockholm Sweden. It was a new construction and she had been waiting for years. Walking into the new apartment was a dream come true.
The architecture of Norra Tornen is very characteristic with an alternating pattern and pixled expression signed OMA. In close up the ribbed concrete façade with multi-colored pebbles is all beautiful at the same time ruff and brutal.
At that moment an idea came to her mind. What if you could bring a piece of that beautiful facade and architecture into the apartment? The colour of the concrete and stones offers a sense of warmth and harmony that would fit perfectly with plants and greenery. That was how the “Brutal cube” came to life and it was the beginning of “A piece of arch”.
“In everyday life we’re surrounded by a multitude of intriguing architecture. While you can impossibly live it all perhaps a bit and a piece of here and there could find its way into your very own home in the form of inspiring and creative décoration.”